Example sentences of "be [vb pp] by a greater [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Today , and at least in academic circles though not solely these , both of these uses have been developed by a greater use of social scientific theory and by more advanced statistical techniques .
2 His anxiety for her had been displaced by a greater worry — was that possible ?
3 It is important for large complex applications that current hyper-text practice involving the use of directed graph ( general network ) structures , inheritance hierarchies and object-oriented scripts be underpinned by a greater body of theory .
4 The slightly lower figure for Stornoway may be caused by a greater tendency for cloud formation over the land to the west and south-west ( the sources of the prevailing winds ) , while exposed western coasts tend to have good sunshine records ( at sea level ) ( Green& Harding 1983 ) .
5 Guy of Lusignan had been beaten by a greater man .
6 If the acceptance of increased risk is rewarded by a greater return as predicted by the model then should be positive .
7 was represented by a greater number of compositions , and certainly Lambe 's work was well known and widely circulated .
8 The liberal-historians , on the other hand , whilst being generally more sceptical of the extent of permissiveness , nevertheless argue that 1960s Britain was characterised by a greater degree of freedom , the limited nature of which is nonetheless guaranteed by law .
9 714 on , however , Anglo-Frankish trade was prejudiced by a greater degree of political instability in Gaul .
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