Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [be] [adv] true " in BNC.

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1 There are basically two positions that can be taken with respect to this irrevocable split between theory and practice : either Marxism has been shown to be not true , or the Marxism of Stalinist Russia was not proper Marxism .
2 And , let it be noted , if 1920 marked the high tide of Bukharin 's leftism , then it can be said to be equally true of the Bolsheviks as a whole , Lenin included .
3 Nevertheless , although generalizations arrived at by legitimate inductions can not be guaranteed to be perfectly true , they are probably true .
4 I always was attacked on the grounds that the world I wrote about did n't exist and it 's only in the last five to ten years here in Ireland , that my work is seen to be actually true .
5 Even major institutions with developing reputations were unsuccessful in their first-time submissions — and this was bound to be particularly true in arts and social studies where members were anxious to ensure appropriate standards of course content and all that related to it — including staffing and other resources .
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