Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] several [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now it had been joined by several cars and a coach was disgorging a gaggle of tourists .
2 Choreographers wishing to interpret music in dance terms are limited in several ways because their choice should not only determine the style of dance used and its phrasing but other factors which are an integral part of the score .
3 Philip Larkin had already published two novels — Jill ( 1946 ) and A Girl in Winter ( 1947 ) — before he established himself in 1955 , with The Less Deceived , as the best poet of his generation ; and John Osborne 's first play ever to reach the public theatre , Look Back in Anger ( 1956 ) , was written by an actor untouched by academia who had been writing for several years and a stranger to all of them .
4 A partnership between a school or college and a company on the doorstep will be different from one where the partners are separated by several miles or an extended bus journey .
5 We are looking at several opportunities and will benefit from our involvement with the quarrying side of Wimpey Minerals which has always been involved in marketing its products on a free-market basis , ’ says John Chance .
6 These tortoise holes are often so long — up to forty feet — that judging from the tortoise 's slow rate of excavation they must have been made by several generations and are probably several centuries old .
7 But while the exact timing of this pattern of events was unusual , the return of the overall pattern in the early 1980s comes as little surprise to some researchers , who have been warning for several years that a new drought cycle was due .
8 He has been bailed on several sureties and appears in court tomorrow . ’
9 The Firm uses a few muscle-brains in the Middle East and so on , but they 're employed at several removes and a lot 's done to make sure they stay overseas .
10 It has now been shown by several laboratories that ingestion of fibre causes an increase in cellular proliferation in the colon of rats .
11 The museum had been closed for several months because of a leaking roof .
12 This clearance was important because I did intend to ask one or two questions about a matter which had already been aired in several books and articles , her love affair with H. G. Wells and the child of that union , the writer Anthony West .
13 ‘ I 've been running for several years but only up to half marathon distance , ’ he says .
14 It has been proposed by several workers that trench nephritis was caused by hantavirus , although the classic descriptions from the First World War do not tally closely with the variants of hantavirus infection that have been described in the past 40 years .
15 The advantages and disadvantages of objectives can be examined from several viewpoints but we will confine ourselves to three : the practical , ethical and educational .
16 Heat can be applied in several forms and by several methods with a variety of equipment the more common of which are as follows- .
17 Collecting data in different forms so that results can be collated and compared can be done in several ways and can form the basis of much useful discussion .
18 Clients choosing half board receive vouchers for their evening meal , which can be exchanged at several cafes and restaurants throughout the village and the pension is ideally placed for you to choose .
19 One capsule of the good stuff can be split into several capsules and mixed with assorted cutting agents .
20 The parent trees would be retained for several years after the new trees had been planted at the new site , just so that they could be used as a reference for checking .
21 Can copy be accessed from several files and displayed at one time ?
22 The appeal to kingly honour was to be repeated on several occasions until the Anglo-French breach of 1294 led to war .
23 Pilot schemes should now be initiated in several regions and compared with traditional models .
24 It will be mentioned in several contexts that the complexity of CAB advice work over the last few years has increased considerably .
25 If that is difficult , mimic suprasegmentals first , and then see if the utterance can be divided into several parts so you can mimic the last part first , and then add to it bit by bit .
26 The MPLA-PT insisted that it could not formally recognize UNITA until the Constitution had been revised , and that elections could not be held for several years until a census and electoral rolls had been drawn up .
27 Monopoly rights have been removed from several professions but most notably from opticians and solicitors .
28 Before they reached this happy state , however , they were to carry through several operations and long hours of dangerous training from their base at the Hayling Island Sailing Club on an isolated spit of land called Sandy Point on Hayling Island ( near Portsmouth , Hampshire ) .
29 Tony Benn and Eric Heffer were voted off several committees that the Labour Party considered important , while Thatcher lent her teddy bear to a Lincolnshire museum 's exhibition .
30 C57BL/6J and Mus spretus DNAs were digested with several enzymes and analysed by Southern blot hybridization for informative restriction fragment length variants ( RFLVs ) using the Oct-11 probe .
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