Example sentences of "the door [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He stood up and began to pace restlessly round the room , stopping occasionally by the door to squint out through the perspex porthole , by the table to lean across it and impale her on his eyes , or by the wall where he sent his hands into spirals of explanation .
2 The door eased back against the chain .
3 That thought then raised the interesting question of how fitzAlan had managed to open it — and the door leading up from the dungeons .
4 He held his hand out to her , but Fran ignored it , brushing past him to head towards the door leading back from the deck .
5 He led her to a door ; the door opened out onto the street .
6 Yet the magical city had not yet finished with me , for I somehow found myself in a dark little wood-panelled bar , with a cosy snug in the rear , and a counter near the door left over from the pub 's grocery-bar days at the turn of the century .
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