Example sentences of "the kind [prep] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the US , this is provided by the usual media assumption that the Libyans are guilty — thus providing the Bush administration with the kind of support it needs in a desperate election campaign .
2 The Drowners says quite a lot about Suede as a concept in that it showcases the way we work rhythms into a song , the aggressive bite of the guitar lines , the drawled vocals and the kind of things it talks about . ’
3 But I have met many who objected to the kind of society it has created because of its injustice and inhumanity .
4 The most essential thing , in a sense , is to give teachers enough information about this condition and the kind of difficulties it creates so that they can recognise it .
5 Yet on an island where even nature conservationists seem bent on taming every last acre , I think that the time may be ripe for bringing the word — and the kind of land it refers to — back into currency .
6 Having got the kind of structure it had always insisted upon , it seems clear that Britain had no qualms about such a statement being used to promote some version of supranationalism .
7 Exactly how it happened we still do not known for sure but you can find examples of the kind of organisms it produced in almost any patch of fresh water .
8 Is there anything different about present-day technological developments which warrants the kind of concern it seems to attract ( and warrants this paper ! ) ?
9 Take the word ‘ loyal ’ and consider someone who deplores the kind of character it indicates .
10 To use the phrase which better expresses the underlying concept , what the requirements of fairness demand when any body , domestic , administrative or judicial , has to make a decision which will affect the rights of individuals depends on the character of the decision-making body , the kind of decision it has to make and the statutory or other framework in which it operates .
11 To use the phrase which better expresses the underlying concept , what the requirements of fairness demand when any body , domestic , administrative or judicial , has to make a decision which will affect the rights of individuals depends on the character of the decision-making body , the kind of decision it has to make and the statutory or other framework in which it operates .
12 And the kind of sound it makes depends on the kind of object it is .
13 And , of course , the kind of comprehension needed in any instance is determined or at least influenced by the kind of action it leads to .
14 It was also unduly limited in the kind of explanations it offered of the course of events , explanations which appealed overmuch to the actions and dispositions of individuals , stringing them together into a complex story of aims and intrigues .
15 Israel began to integrate elements of the military government into its own civil ministries , proving that the kind of autonomy it had in mind implied less rather than more Palestinian control over their affairs .
16 Husayn had now removed the central plank of Labour 's electoral manifesto to the delight of Likud , which rejected negotiations with Jordan as irrelevant to the kind of autonomy it envisaged for Palestinians living in Eretz Israel .
17 That 's reflected in the kind of stock it sells .
18 She finishes — ‘ I hope that ‘ Angel ’ is having the kind of attention it merits .
19 We were not concerned with the front-end 's overall ability to recognise phonemes but with the kinds of problems it presented to LA .
20 Starting from the position that the dominant framework of feminist film criticism was ‘ too restrictive in the kinds of questions it asks of cinema ’ Gledhill gave a convincing defence of feminist realist practices and concluded with a plea for a kind of cultural analysis which could ‘ hold the extra-discursive and the discursive together as a complex and contradictory interrelation ’ .
21 The impact and noticeability of any contaminated discharge depend , of course , on the kinds of pollutant it contains .
22 This was in line with the general authority policy , not of compelling change or forcing patterns , programmes and methods upon schools , but on the contrary providing the means whereby the kinds of action it wanted could be supported and rewarded and developed : the carrot and not the stick .
23 We have considered the subject before , in the previous chapter , and we only need notice here the kinds of characteristics it leads to in males .
24 Status is a complex business , reflecting not only the content of the course , but the institution that provides it , the kinds of student it attracts , and their subsequent careers .
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