Example sentences of "the first time since [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those present on this unique occasion were well aware they were making history in riding a steam train on the electric line , the first time since a steam engine was used on the construction of the line in the last century !
2 Tens of thousands of East Berliners streamed to the West , unhindered for the first time since the Wall was put up 28 years ago .
3 Home ownership in America is falling for the first time since the Depression , just as the savings-and-loan collapse has made the government the largest single owner of property after foreclosing on bankrupt thrifts .
4 For the first time since the survey was started six years ago , retailers , wholesalers and companies in the motor trade expect to cut investment in the coming year .
5 For the first time since the survey was started six years ago , retailers , wholesalers and companies in the motor trade expect to cut investment in the coming year .
6 The idea of being received at court for the first time since the childhood marriage , at first caused Anne much excitement .
7 The children turned to face one another for the first time since the pastor had started to tell the story of the massacre .
8 Meanwhile the patient , who has not been named , was making a rapid recovery and yesterday walked for the first time since the operation .
9 Anyway it 's the first time since the Revie years that we 've won 5 on the trot in the league so lets just be happy for a while .
10 But with 17 matches to go and key players returning , Strudwick believes his side can reach the big-time for the first time since the Rugby League began their bid to take the game beyond the confines of Yorkshire and Lancashire with the Fulham experiment back in the early eighties .
11 In Washington on Aug. 24 bilateral negotiations in the ongoing peace process launched in Madrid in October 1991 [ see pp. 38513-15 ] resumed for the first time since the change of government in Israel [ see pp. 38945-47 ] .
12 THE Queen is to visit Lockerbie for the first time since the air disaster there more than four years ago .
13 The Christian Democrats got only 38.7% of the vote , against 45.1% four years ago , and are being booted out of the government for the first time since the state was founded 45 years ago .
14 Manager Kenny Shiels , watching his side win for the first time since the opening day of the season , feels that it 's not an impossible dream .
15 Manager Kenny Shiels , watching his side win for the first time since the opening day of the season , feels that it 's not an impossible dream .
16 3 STEVE BULL scored twice as England finished their European Championship Under-21 qualifying campaign with a flourish in Jastrzebie Zdruj , but they are still likely to miss out on a quarter-final place for the first time since the competition began 13 years ago .
17 Erm , I 'm not in a position to add anything very much to the article for next year , I spent most of Friday afternoon with the Tech last week , erm , but there 's still obviously a good deal of uncertainty about programmes for next year , erm , what I think has been very positive is that we have now er , this year for the first time since the Tech 's formation , they 've started to discuss some of the issues about the programmes with a group of providers .
18 The board meets on Thursday for the first time since the row began and Mr Hussey , Mr Birt and Lord Barnett will be asked to explain the situation .
19 It is the first time since the split was announced six days ago that Diana has made any reference to the break-up .
20 In 786 , for the first time since the coming of Augustine , papal legates visited England to reaffirm papal authority and ensure conformity to the requirements of canonic law .
21 For the first time since the process of unification began it placed a question mark over the future of Kohl , who had made 14 campaign appearances and admitted that the result represented a " bitter defeat " .
22 Today , however , for the first time since the period of mourning had ended , she had been granted permission to call upon the young prince — to stay a week and celebrate his birthday .
23 Orthodox Christmas on Jan. 7 was celebrated as a public holiday for the first time since the arrival of communist rule in the Russian Federation , the Ukraine , Byelorussia , Georgia and Moldavia , with the endorsement of the USSR government .
24 The 15 most heavily indebted developing countries ( see p. 37017 ) in 1988 as a group increased the surplus of their merchandise exports over their imports to nearly dollars 28,000 million ; the dollar value of their exports rose above the 1981 peak for the first time since the onset of the Third-World debt service problem , although the GATT report pointed out that this trade performance needed to be seen against the background of rising interest charges and continued lack of fresh capital inflows .
25 She has the whip-hand for the first time since the cock-up over the separation when they had to apologise for making it known that the knives were out for the Duchess .
26 The Northamptonshire mansion reopens to the public this weekend for the first time since the death of his father .
27 It was the first time since the store opened 80 years ago .
28 Speaking for the first time since the tragedy Kevin Larkin told the Echo : ‘ Jean was young and innocent .
29 Last week , for the first time since the murder on July 15 , Alex 's 29-year-old dad Andre Hanscombe , was able to leave him alone with his grandmother for three hours .
30 And for the first time since the investigation had begun the sergeant felt he had been lucky .
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