Example sentences of "the [det] [modal v] be true [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The same may be true of a book which has been deliberately produced to a high standard of physical appearance .
2 The same may be true of the Prinias horsemen , but the relief there is rather low , and an alternative is that they turn their eyes on us as guardians of the house : the ‘ terror-mask ’ , a concept we shall meet again .
3 However , since the decision in Fowler v. Lanning , which held that in an action for unintentional trespass to the person the plaintiff must prove negligence on the part of the defendant the same may be true of cases of trespass to goods , though the matter can not be regarded as finally settled .
4 The same may be true of its addition to the 1018 entry that the meeting between Danes and English at Oxford agreed to observe Edgar 's law , which was probably taken from chapter 13 of the Letter of 1019 – 20 , now preserved only in a York manuscript , although there may have been a Worcester copy too .
5 The same may be true in respect of the working classes and mass-produced broadsides .
6 The same would be true to a lesser extent if I allowed and helped someone to write my life .
7 The same would be true of resuscitation and any similar intervention .
8 The same would be true of a general exclusion clause which excluded liability for economic loss , where , again , one would have to consider the issues as to reasonableness discussed above .
9 As a place to observe what the DEA was up to in Nicosia , Coleman found the Eurame Trading Company ideal , but from his very first day on the job , he had an uncomfortable feeling that the same might be true for the opposition .
10 The same could be true of Throgmorton .
11 The same could be true of software used to design buildings and vehicles .
12 Those laws which deal with the king 's authority could have originated in edicts ; the same could be true of laws concerned with Romans .
13 Yet the same could be true of other political issues of the day , even if the impact was less universal and more limited to specific sectional interests .
14 I think it would skip to environment being the prerogative of local authorities , there will be a great variation across the country , and I do n't think anybody seriously would expect that to happen about health and safety at work , and I think the same should be true of the environment .
15 The same can be true of the irresistible attractions of unhealthy food .
16 Althusser 's discussion implies that the same will be true of all theories which have independently defined starting-points , and the identification of this link between the terms of a theory and its subject-matter is an example of the way in which Althusser tries to uncover the assumptions underlying the classical and Marxist views — what he calls their ‘ problematics ’ .
17 There is no doubt that by the end of the century the same will be true of the Supplement as a whole .
18 The same will be true of your astronauts .
19 The same will be true of readers in two hundred years ' time , and before and after .
20 And the same will be true of Britain 's spending if Manchester loses for a second time .
21 The same must be true of the provisions relating to error , fraud and corruption , coercion , and jus cogens .
22 The same must be true of the residence and domicile of natural persons owning fishing vessels .
23 If , however , Morgan v. Palmer and Steele v. Williams are properly to be regarded as cases of extortion colore officii the same must be true of Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , which followed them .
24 The same must be true of a situation in which the defendant pleads honest belief in consent on the ground that the victim permitted penetration although the defendant was aware that she might not understand the nature of the act .
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