Example sentences of "the [adj] council [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An independent Karachai republic had existed until November 1943 , and there were calls from the All-National Council of Karachai People for its restoration .
2 This idea was acknowledged in a declaration of the European Council on 30 June 1981 and subsequently adopted at an EEC conference in Luxembourg .
4 A silent protest march through Paris organized by the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France took place on May 14 , attracting thousands of participants .
5 Now that the season is ended it would be appropriate for your Finance Department to invoice the Regional Council for this sum .
6 The proposal will be considered by the regional council on 3 March and by the district council on 11 March .
7 It was minuted that the papers did not imply a commitment by the Regional Council to particular levels of growth or policy stances and did not constitute a formal statutory stage of public consultation .
8 The event was sponsored primarily by Lothian Leyland Daf , Leyland Daf and Econ which combined have been supplying vehicles to the Regional Council over many years .
9 In order to try and get a resident 's permit for the car you are so generously letting me have temporary use of , I need a mass of bumf for the Regional Council in due course — they require sight of , and in original , car registration documents , MOT certificate , insurance certificate , driving licence , evidence of ownership or tenancy lease of this house ( ! ) plus evidence of payment of property tax !
10 it would involve the Regional Council in excessive resource commitment in terms of schools accommodation .
11 The 1990/91 Grampian survey form was devised jointly with Grampian Enterprise , and the survey undertaken by the Scottish Council with financial assistance from Grampian Enterprise .
12 I think I 'm the only representative here , and apologies from the Director and the Chair of the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations .
13 The beginnings of Medau in SCOTLAND were very much influenced and guided by Doris Robertson , Senior Technical Representative for the Scottish Council of Physical Recreation .
14 A range of other organisations is distinctly uneasy as well , including Citizens Advice ( Scotland ) , the Scottish Council for Single Parents , the Scottish Association for Mental Health and the Scottish Council for Civil Liberties .
15 In addition , the Trustees of the Scottish Council Foundation granted funds amounting to £33,050 to the Scottish Council for several projects .
16 A range of other organisations is distinctly uneasy as well , including Citizens Advice ( Scotland ) , the Scottish Council for Single Parents , the Scottish Association for Mental Health and the Scottish Council for Civil Liberties .
17 ‘ They will have no guarantee of funding , will have to re-organise their affairs to take account of the changes and partnerships with the council formed over many years will be lost , ’ said Martin Sime , Director of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations .
18 Chief Executive of the SCET , the Scottish Council for Educational Technology , presented the UK award to Councillor , convener of the council 's personnel committee .
19 Tom Burness has also been a member of the Scottish Community Education Council and the Scottish Council for Educational Technology .
20 Yuri Korablev , deputy chairman of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems of the History of the Great October Socialist Revolution was one of the first to publish an article recognising that Trotsky was the driving force behind the creation of the Red Army .
21 ‘ It 's the right of every citizen to go to their polling station to vote on the day , but disabled people do n't have that right , ’ says Richard Wood , head of the British Council of Disabled People .
22 From 11 November at the Israel Museum for three months is ‘ British Figurative Painting of the Twentieth Century ’ , an exhibition sponsored by the British Council of eighty works chosen by art historian and critic James Hyman in collaboration with Henry Meyric Hughes of the British Arts Council and the London-based art historian and collector David Landau .
23 We have also used the services of the British Council in both countries and the media , through press releases .
24 She quickly made friends with the Reverend Esme Beswick , general secretary of the Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches .
25 A new system of income security to help Canada 's poor has been proposed by The Canadian Council on Social Development .
26 He went on to argue against sending alien rabbis ( chiefly eager volunteers from the newly-formed Council of Orthodox Rabbis from Germany , Austria and Czechoslovakia ) around the country when they would need police permits every time they entered a protected area .
27 The Central Council of Hungarian Trade Unions ( SZOT ) was relaunched as a sovereign organization at a congress on March 2 , 1990 , with Sandor Nagy being elected president .
28 In further indications of a relaxation of one-party rule , the country 's only trade union federation , the Central Council of Albanian Trade Unions ( KQBPS ) , on Dec. 23 announced its intention to act independently in future and to re-form itself as a " pluralist association " .
29 Wolfenden was commissioned not by the state but by the Central Council of Physical Recreation ( CCPR ) , which had been set up in 1935 as a co-ordinating body for the many voluntary associations involved in the running of sport .
30 After all , the Central Council of Physical Recreation — of which the Duke is president — and the Sports Council , the two most powerful bodies in British sport , have been sniping at each other for years .
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