Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [art] [noun sg] less " in BNC.

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1 held that in the case of forfeiture the individual was entitled to an unbiased tribunal , notice and a hearing , whereas in the case of an application less was required .
2 Iraq 's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in August led to the outbreak of a war less than six months later between Iraq and United States-led multinational forces .
3 In the hall she dreaded the advent of a parent less than she had dreaded it earlier .
4 He came to a stumbling halt with the point of the bayonet less than a foot away from his chest .
5 NOW THAT the Second World of formerly communist countries is falling over itself to join the First World , the name ‘ Third World ’ suits the rest of the planet less well than ever .
6 The UK government succeeded in broadening the scope of the draft Less Favoured Areas Directive by defining ‘ other areas ’ to include the UK hills and uplands , extending the application of the proposed Directive from mountain areas alone .
7 His parentage and schooling are obscure , though he may well have been a pupil of Stephen Langton , later archbishop of Canterbury [ q.v. ] , himself the native of a village less than ten miles from Stainby .
8 In some cases this may make the prospect of an award less attractive .
9 In some cases this may make the prospect of an award less attractive .
10 In some cases this may make the prospect of an award less attractive .
11 The sea was choppy , and sitting still in the stern of the boat less than comfortable .
12 But the level was lower and the rush of the flood less severe than in more restricted surroundings , so that that insurmountable dread of drowning gradually subsided .
13 The taxpayers were assessed to income tax on the cash equivalent of an amount equal to the cost of the benefit less the amount made good by the employee under s 61(1) , FA 1976 .
14 For all of these types of capital allowance , where , on sale , the disposal proceeds exceed the cost of the asset less the allowances claimed , the disposal will give rise to a clawback of allowances equal to the smaller of the excess and the allowances claimed .
15 here the proceeds do not exceed the cost of the asset less the allowance claimed , an allowance equal to the shortfall will be given unless the original expenditure was pooled , in which case the balance of the pooled expenditure after deducting the disposal proceeds will continue to be written down at 25% per annum .
16 The ground is literally parched and every blade of grass is yellow as sulphur , but independent of this the land in the interior is less rich and the fen of the country less fertile than any country I have ever traveled [ sic ] .
17 ‘ We hope that this year they will once again put the eggs first and bring a smile to the face of a child less fortunate . ’
18 In the past where an item had been lost , stolen , destroyed or damaged which was originally purchased abroad , and the Policyholder admitted that the item was brought in to the U.K. without being declared at H.M. Customs then the extent of our liability was the value of the item less the amount of duty payable .
19 Effectively skewness is determined from the value of the mean less the median , all divided by the range used in defining the mean .
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