Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that they [modal v] make " in BNC.

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1 How confident he is , or affects to be , about their disinterestedness , their alertness , the range of their sympathies , the use that they will make of the gentlest hint or nudge !
2 Manufacturers , flushed with success over their pink fluffy man campaign , and greedy with the realisation that they can make hill-walkers wear anything as long as it 's described as a technological breakthrough , are sitting in their factories dreaming up new and more ridiculous things to sell us .
3 And the recently discovered structure of atoms gave them the idea that they could make helium out of hydrogen .
4 Democrats in both houses of Congress responded to Barr 's decision by increasing their criticism of the Bush administration 's alleged obstruction of all efforts to investigate the Iraqgate allegations , and members of the House banking committee did not rule out the possibility that they would make a more specific request to Barr for the appointment of a special prosecutor .
5 The Church has not always recognised their rights to spiritual growth nor the contribution that they can make to building up the body of Christ .
6 Contrary to ( uninformed ? ) views sometimes expressed it is acknowledged that physical geographers are respected for the contribution that they can make — when they do make a specific contribution .
7 Given the extremes within the party it is not surprising that there is a continuing feud between those willing to make political deals and those so utterly opposed to the system that they will make no concessions .
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