Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She took the report , went out into the department and threw herself into her work with tight-lipped determination .
2 The chief inspector climbed in over the sill , eased down the window and found herself in the hall .
3 Victoria came up the room and seated herself on the couch , and without either greeting or preamble , she said , ‘ I 've had indigestion ever since Christmas Day .
4 When she accepted , Loretta moved across the room and helped herself to two glasses .
5 She charged into the room and threw herself at him , punching him hard with her small , clenched fists .
6 Loretta led the way into the drawing-room and settled herself in an armchair .
7 But Christine put the fern back on the sill and deflated herself into an armchair by the window .
8 The lights went on ; we leapt up and pounced on them , adding our howls of ingrate triumph to the general confusion — ending the happy myth not with a whimper but a bang , while Addy , the fellow-conspirator , leant against the wall and laughed herself to helplessness …
9 While Mary-Claude saw to the baby and busied herself around the apartment , Habib made the introductions .
10 For some strange reason she could n't seem to relinquish her hold on the chain and braced herself for the wrench she was sure would follow when fitzAlan started towards the castle gates .
11 She crawled on to the bed and hugged herself like a child with no one there to bring comfort .
12 Rubbing her hair hard to get rid of most of the wetness , she unhooked a navy towelling robe from behind the door and wrapped herself in its soft folds .
13 She scuttled through the door and found herself in a long drawing-room choked with old-fashioned furniture .
14 But instead of peace and solitude and a chance to get her emotions under control , she opened the door and found herself in the middle of a nightmare .
15 I stood entranced , as I must confess I always did , while she slipped her shiny white military-style raincoat off its hanger behind the door and buttoned herself into it .
16 Barking ferociously , the big Great Dane rushed from the rear of the house , skidded around the corner and hurled herself at the gate with such force that it creaked under the impact .
17 Cassie was tempted to attract his attention but she resisted the temptation and contented herself with gazing at his undoubted magnificence .
18 Then she took a quick sighting down the shaft and launched herself into space .
19 Deaconess Tilley plumped her bag on the table and put herself between Mrs Yaxlee and the window .
20 She dived into the house and hurled herself at her gran as she sat on the side of her bed , grumbling her feet and legs awake .
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