Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] i am [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have to find the money myself and they told me that the wackier the ideas , the better the response so I am hoping that my ideas come off . ’
2 The last type of direction is that of directing your body as a whole entity — ‘ What is the direction that I am going in ? ’
3 Unfortunately though , my nose will not let me off the hook and I am forced to leave it .
4 ( Ail of which are well represented in the story as I am learning it . )
5 There is a mouse above me in the roof and I am going to listen to it .
6 And I am going into the light and I am going into time , and if I am to save the world , then I shall have served the world , and if I do not save the world , then at least I shall have tried .
7 Really I think I am able to demonstrate in the written account of the research that I am presenting a very real account of their teaching and their problems , as well as their successes .
8 Really I think I am able to demonstrate in a written account of the research that I am presenting a very real account of their teaching and their problems , as well as their successes erm sometimes I was able to observe lessons that went wrong and were very erm difficult for the teachers , as well as the lessons that were successful , so I do n't really think it the problems at the end .
9 But when you called I was teaching , and the rule when I am teaching is that one of my sons must answer the phone .
10 She helps break the ice when I am interviewing .
11 When I first began the work that I am doing now , I decided to keep an open mind about the topic ; but , as time has progressed , I have been able to record details of fact , time and place given to me by my patients which have later been checked and confirmed and found to be wholly accurate .
12 and are both on holiday at the moment so I am writing in their absence about a recent print job Req No 239886 .
13 An alkali will obviously have to be introduced to neutralise the acid and I am toying with the idea of lime in one form or another .
14 The point that I am trying to make is that the experience that they are gaining , by working and living with their people , day in and day out , will give them a depth of understanding which , sadly , no amount of university training would give .
15 That is precisely the point that I am trying to make .
16 Member will give me just a moment to finish the point that I am making I shall come to that .
17 The point that I am making is that the argument is not one of Sunday trading , but one of law and order , with the Conservative party ranged firmly among the enemies of law and order .
18 A question to ask yourself is this : ‘ What is more important , the job that I am doing or myself ? ’
19 It is possibly a once-in-a-lifetime chance to go and defend the title and I am committed regardless . ’
20 I recall her pacing the sitting-room while I am doing my homework , pausing every so often to stand at one of the windows and look down into the busy street below .
21 He ladles out the contents of the pot while I am wondering if the laibon thinks it was a handy way to get rid of a rival .
22 The second qualification is that the relationship that I am calling ‘ enemy ’ is more complicated than the simple bilateral relationship suggested by the stories of cheetahs and gazelles .
23 In order to sustain the argument that I am putting forward here , it is important to establish what were the major arguments levelled by anthropologists and others against the ‘ great divide ’ theory .
24 Initially he is overwhelmed : ‘ I continue to have this curious sense of fiction , the feeling that I am living in a Maurice Edelman novel .
25 As one teacher put it to me , ‘ on a bad day I have the feeling that I am struggling hard to do something that may not be worth doing at all ’ .
26 A common response to the claim that I am making about observation , supported by the kinds of examples I have utilized , is that observers viewing the same scene from the same place see the same thing but interpret what they see differently .
27 I should like to make it clear from the outset that I am participating in this conference not as an expert on any aspect of the teaching of languages , but rather as someone whose primary concern is with the structure of language and , more generally , the nature of cognitive processes .
28 The civilians appeared to be very interested in the kilt that I am wearing and , of course , the pipes seem to fascinate them .
29 ‘ I hope to be a strong and enthusiastic supporter of the Government and I am going to stay on as a MP . ’
30 Suddenly , Stairway to Paradise is echoing through the theatre and I am stepping into the spotlight sliding faster and faster .
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