Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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31 That style may have been the only way round a corner in the days of slippy tyres , dodgy suspension and flexible chassis but modern GP machines permit a faster , more aggressive route through the turn .
32 He went through to his room and picked up the bag he had packed earlier , then went to the small desk in the corner and took a tiny notebook from the drawer .
33 Robinson crossed to the small washbasin in the corner of the cell and spun the taps .
34 However , he looked rather bemused when Mr Bell started ad-libbing that if the Sunday Times wanted to pen a profile of the self-styled King of the Corner Shop then ‘ for God 's sake get a better picture of me than The Northern Echo is using . ’
35 Nara was sent to get a bowl of milk from someone who had a cow that was yielding : Kalchu suggested maybe the ā gri or the um in the bottom house on the corner .
36 People gathered in groups outside the burger place ; others went to buy cigarettes from the Indian shop on the corner and then stood at the bus stop .
37 ‘ Go and speak to Saint Julien — the big bastard in the corner who looks as though he would kill his own grandmother for a couple of francs .
38 He took Ellie by her forearm , and marched her down the landing and the painted uncarpeted stairs into the living room , where he sat her in the big chair in the corner .
39 Ngune lay on the single mattress in the corner of his cell .
40 It struck Nutty that he had no time to take cars for joy-rides any longer , content to flake out in the thick straw in a corner of Firelight 's box after evenings of running and riding and swimming .
41 The correct approach to a corner in the Monaco Grand Prix .
42 Then winger Crawford Dobbin ran half the length of the pitch for the final score at the corner flag .
43 In March 1948 , Croydon Corporation had discussion with London Transport about plans for the widening of the main road at the corner of North End and Crown Hill , so that the tram track could be doubled at this last remaining section of single track on the main line .
44 With the mass media now part of everyday life and with arguments about bias and balance commonplace , the modern British subject is not likely to succumb to some Saddam sucker punch thrown by the third party from the corner of the living room .
45 They 're right se behind beside the Royal Bank on the corner .
46 she 's not , I mean the next door round the corner , like she 's on the corner and the house here , it 's been extended on the side , but it wo n't bring it anywhere near Pam 's extension
47 However , there is a range of content and styles from international research names to the local teacher round the corner in print for the first time , which continually enliven and interest the reader .
48 In this case the total of the amount received by the local authority must be spent on the provision of good X. In the case shown , the budget line now looks like 154 and the conditional constraint forces the local authority to a corner solution 5 .
49 Going to grammar school really made me isolated It was only a couple of miles away from where I lived but that 's a long way when you 're only 11 — years-old and all your mates from junior school had gone to the local comprehensive round the corner .
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