Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [vb past] [verb] themselves " in BNC.

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1 Already in the eighteenth century all the European states had shown themselves reluctant to appoint full ambassadors without substantial reasons of expediency or tradition .
2 However , he had returned all but three of the tourists ' passports to the safe-keeping of the Manager at The Randolph — the latter just a fraction irked that it now appeared to be his own responsibility to return these passports to whatever location the departed tourists happened to find themselves in .
3 It had long been understood that , while the refugee camps of the East Bank had remained pro-PLO ever since the events of 1970–1 , the wealthier Palestinians had incorporated themselves into the Jordanian establishment .
4 But it was even more clear that the Public Schools had adapted themselves rapidly and skilfully to the demands for a meritocracy as identified by Michael Young .
5 Sir Hector explained that the French representatives had found themselves out on a limb when they called for an increase in import charges .
6 The new , the really new , had to be possible , since all the old wisdoms had proved themselves ineffective .
7 They had been dropped near their target , Nofilia airfield , and the following day had hidden themselves to observe the defences .
8 Mother … high-hab whores whom the Lordly Phantasms had amused themselves with … those were mere spectres now , white ghosts .
9 ‘ With the unexpected accession of their parents to the throne , ’ said the voice from the television , with that odd blend of reverence and condescension reserved for royalty and its doings , ‘ the little princesses had to reconcile themselves to seeing less and less of their mother and father .
10 In April 1891 he attended a conference of Unitarian churches in London and heard Ben Tillett [ q.v. ] deliver a harsh attack on how the existing churches had alienated themselves from the working man .
11 When he first returned , my friends on the surgical side had made themselves fresh caps daily and spent hours on their faces before going on duty .
12 The dreaming spires had etched themselves deeply on my imagination .
13 What had apparently happened was that , faced with persecution , the committed witches had formed themselves into small clandestine groups and became separated from each other .
14 The powerful position in which the landed gentry had established themselves on the Commission of the Peace served to deal with the obviously unacceptable infringements of the law , provided that wrongdoers could be apprehended .
15 Here the four powers had carved themselves out oddly shaped zones amongst the rubble and devastation left by the Allied bombing .
16 The conviction for the diversion and misuse of public funds of Gen. Mustapha Belloucif , a former chief of staff said to have been close to former President Chadli Benjedid , was interpreted as a sign that the new authorities wished to prove themselves capable of attacking corruption , even in the military .
17 The responsibilities of the two departments were to be as follows : the education authorities who operated a service under the 1910 Act had to confine themselves to ‘ interviewing , advising , registering and selecting juvenile applicants ’ , while the labour exchanges would ‘ register vacancies , place juveniles with employers and oversee their progress during the early years of employment ’ .
18 Later , as the Prussians revoked statutes governing the activity of the Jews and laws preventing usury , the Kaszubian farmers began to find themselves heavily in debt .
19 It is as if the dead person had killed themselves in order to get away and as a punishment .
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