Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [prep] [num] days " in BNC.

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1 When , three years ago , news of Implexion 's investiture into the Chamber of Ten had come to the Redoubt , Dauntless had locked himself in one of the private chapels for two days .
2 Where goods , in hire-purchase and conditional sale cases , are protected under s 33 of the Hire-Purchase Act 1965 , or under s 90 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , if the defendant makes an offer to pay the whole or part of the outstanding balace by instalments , the plaintiff must notify the proper officer within 14 days of notice whether he accepts or not .
3 In October 1967 , when he was manager of Chelsea he was suspended by the English FA for 28 days for alleged misconduct during a friendly match in Bermuda , where he persistently swore at a black referee .
4 On Aug. 8 the Senate approved an economic emergency bill which declared a state of emergency in the public sector for 180 days .
5 The High Court has upheld earlier decisions that an appeal was not within its jurisdiction if it was not transmitted to the High Court within 30 days of the appellant 's receipt of the Special Commissioner 's statement of the case ( p 101 ) .
6 The High Court upheld in Petch v Gurney ; Gurney v Petch [ 1992 ] STI 943 earlier decisions that an appeal was not within its jurisdiction if it was not transmitted to the High Court within 30 days of its receipt by the appellant .
7 The Crown sought an order for the taxpayer 's appeal to be struck out under s 56(4) , TMA 1970 , as it had not been submitted to the High Court within 30 days of receipt .
8 Mr M by this time was away on the outer islands for four days a week .
9 Ken , who although he had just been appointed Bishop , was still a Royal Chaplain , remained beside the bed of the dying King for three days and nights , ‘ watching at proper intervals to suggest pious and proper thoughts and ejaculations on so serious an occasion ’ .
10 But throughout the verbal onslaught of 152 days of intense and heated debate , one simple question remained firmly at the top of the agenda : whether nuclear power would be cheaper than other potential sources of electricity .
11 This probably explains why sexually active women tend to have a cycle close to the average length of 29.5 days .
12 He was the second man in two days to ask me that .
13 For the second time in two days she had been bought and sold .
14 Jasbir Singh was stopped for the second time in two days driving his blue Ford Escort van .
15 AMATEUR drama lovers have vowed the show will go on despite being bombed out of the venue for their drama finals for the second time in two days .
16 ‘ For the second time in two days I 'm hearing the usually benevolent lioness growl , ’ she said .
17 This man who , for the second time in two days , had come to her aid !
18 ARSONISTS have struck for the second time in five days at a Middlesbrough park .
19 Others are less clear without some explanation : an attacker was known as ‘ the Bizarre Beast ’ because of the strange clothing he wore , which included a gas mask and a dress ( Star ) ; however , no explanation was needed why a sex fiend who struck near a university for the second time in four days was known as ‘ The Balaclava Rapist ’ ( Sun ) .
20 Worried managers made the decision after the computer crashed for the second time in 10 days .
21 Part of the M1 was closed for the second time in three days following a multiple pile-up in sub-zero temperatures .
22 It was an idle question ; Melissa 's mind was far away but , for the second time in three days , she recognised Dora 's need to confide .
23 But when parliament met later in the day to summon Congress formally , Mr Khasbulatov for the second time in three days stepped back from delivering the final stroke .
24 A MANCHESTER United starlet of the 1980s is plotting the downfall of Prescot for the second time in seven days .
25 Fire crews tackled the second blaze in three days in an empty house in Trent Street , Middlesbrough yesterday .
26 THIS first round North West Cup tie between Moyola Park and Tobermore United , the second meeting within eight days , proved more entertaining .
27 Erm and also decide the dependence , draw up the network , decide the critical path and decide what action could be taken to reduce the overall project by three days .
28 The surge has hoisted sales to 12,500 from Thursday 's figure of 11,275 out the 49,271 limit with 28 days to go .
29 Izvestiya of July 28 reported that a peace agreement had been signed the previous day after two days of talks by representatives of the political parties , the official leadership , religious leaders and security service representatives .
30 The 23rd Hercules in 2 days leaves RAF Lyneham near Swindon heading for Saudi Arabia .
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