Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] at the far " in BNC.

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1 He examined the long split-level room stretching away from him to the tall windows at the far end .
2 He pointed to two dark shapes over near the charnel house at the far side of the cemetery .
3 Waves formed by these northeast winds are responsible for the marked angle at the far point and for the building up of the recurved end so that it faces north-east .
4 Where once it was sufficient of an adventure for a lone girl to enter the deserted mansion at the far end of the village , today the element of adventure , of venturing , can be plausibly obtained at the end of a plane flight .
5 She saw Harry stretch out on a lounger in the fragrant shade at the far end of the terrace and toss the last four inches of his Romeo y Julieta into the hedge .
6 Some will still recall the warm fire at the far end of what became known as the Primary Room and the tiny wooden chairs which allowed small feet almost to reach the ground .
7 The low vaulted roof stretched for some forty feet until it met the blank wall at the far end .
8 As I got closer to the raised platform at the far end of the church , it was as if the sound was pushing me forward .
9 In happier , better times it may have looked princely , even regal , with the raised dais at the far end under a huge tapestry emblazoned with the royal insignia of Scotland .
10 Travelling like a cannonball it flew straight into the shallow ditch at the far side .
11 He had paused before the great mirror at the far end of the room , straightening the collar of his uniform jacket , when the door behind him opened .
12 They looked like some great beast with gaping mouth and hungry eyes , then I caught a movement over near the great elms at the far side of the common .
13 There was a banging on the great doors at the far end of the room .
14 When they went in Marc was standing at the high-arched window at the far end of a long refectory made sepulchral by huge arching beams of dark oak .
15 She went straight to the small table at the far side of the bed , pulled open the single drawer .
16 He near killed Patrick Glas two days past on the big birlinn at the far side of the bay , him and his dallta , for slipping and falling in front of his lordship when he was in a hurry .
17 Over the next few afternoons Mrs Phelps could hardly take her eyes from the small girl sitting for hour after hour in the big armchair at the far end of the room with the book on her lap .
18 The young man at the far end of the loom glanced at Maggie , and for an instant their eyes locked .
19 The other woman at the far end of the ward had been given Daniel 's tag .
20 It smelled of shellfish , newsprint , disinfectant — and the lime-encrusted urinal at the far end .
21 He put the light on , and the four inmates at the far end set up their whickering and pawing at the prospect of food , as usual .
22 The huge mountain at the far , Pakistani end of the Himalaya saw the tragic massacre of Willy Merkl 's German team in 1936 and eventually a solo first ascent by the legendary Hermann Buhl in 1953 .
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