Example sentences of "the [noun] prevent [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the event , Tyndale 's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy .
2 The shapes prevent them from bunching together .
3 Several physiotherapists mentioned that the active nature of the job benefited them physically and a number of people with sensory impairments believed that the nature of the work prevented them from becoming isolated .
4 The ERM prevents them from letting their currencies float downwards to adjust .
5 The conventions prevented her from heaping any further abuse on Chay Bank , a housing project which she had frequently and loudly denounced , but near which she had never set foot : the precariousness of her own social position would forever prevent her from visiting Fred Bowen , and this yearly ritual meeting on neutral ground was as much as she would ever dare risk .
6 As a result , Mr Vafa , who was living in France at the time , says that allegations of violence made against him by his former wife and her family went unchallenged and resulted in the interdict preventing him from molesting and attacking his wife or members of her family .
7 She wore heavy make-up and she had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appears to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out .
8 At first it had not mattered that the rain prevented him from going outdoors ; there was so much to talk about between himself and Uncle Walter ; they had not seen each other for twelve years .
9 On the latter point , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made it plain in his statement that we shall explore further with Russia and the other republics how best we can assist in the provision of employment for the scientists within the CIS to prevent them from going abroad .
10 But , if the refusal or the conditions prevent him from obtaining ‘ reasonably beneficial use ’ of the land , he can serve a purchase notice .
11 The room was unpainted and the only furniture consisted of a lime green sofa , two wooden chairs and a three-legged coffee table which was propped up against the wall to prevent it from toppling over .
12 Soviet scholars and journalists could hint in their writings at problems in specific factories or could criticize particular managers or officials , but the censorship prevented them from generalising their observations into a critique of the system .
13 The National Security Court was abolished and President Mohammed Siyad Barre was obliged to stand down as chairman of the ruling Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party ( SRSP ) , the constitution preventing him from holding both posts .
14 The accused also might not be able to call witnesses who saw the damage-causing driver , because that driver may have terrified the witnesses to prevent them from giving evidence .
15 Toss this gently into the pasta to prevent it from sticking together .
16 To prevent this happening chemical agents known as sequestrants are used which bind up the residues preventing them from dropping out of solution .
17 When Dustin heard news of the ensuing blaze , he rushed back to the scene , and was able to push through the gaping crowds to pull three of his modern paintings and a Tiffany lampshade from the smoke-filled Federal-style building , before the police prevented him from re-entering the house .
18 The march was attended by 3,500 ( as compared with 100,000 at a similar march in January — see p. 38736 ) and passed peacefully except that afterwards members of a Trotskyist group , the Revolutionary Communist Youth , broke away and battled with the police preventing them from reaching a hall where Le Pen was speaking .
19 An open trellis ( made of tree stakes ) down one length of the garden prevents it from looking like a long , thin bowling alley and utilises next door 's honeysuckle as an extension .
20 He looked in that direction but the blindfold prevented him from seeing who had spoken .
21 On the global scale , the oceans that cover almost 70 per cent of the world prevent it from becoming intolerably hot by day , and freezing cold by night .
22 These constitutional provisions had previously been called into question during a highly controversial case in February 1992 when the High Court in Dublin prevented a 14-year-old girl and her family from procuring an abortion or from leaving Ireland for nine months , even though she had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide ; the order preventing her from leaving the country was subsequently lifted after an appeal based on recognition of the equal rights of mother and child and the right to freedom of movement within the EC [ see p. 38780 ] .
23 After the fish have spawned , remove the adults to prevent them from turning cannibal and eating the eggs .
24 He was n't expecting the jarring shock that shot through his other arm but the shortness of the flex prevented him from pulling it more than a few inches off the table .
25 Brown 's unpredictability and his refusal to endorse Clinton led to attempts by senior members of the party to prevent him from addressing the convention .
26 The rockdust prevented her from seeing if she had been successful in her kill .
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