Example sentences of "the [noun] be [vb pp] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the 18th tee we hit the same 3-wood , and as we walked down the fairway the crowds were massed around the last green ; the noise was unbelievable .
2 But despite the place given to women , most of the programmes are organised around a male presenter who ‘ manages ’ the women and brings them in to contribute their bit of knowledge .
3 A MAJOR financial institution in Britain has been the victim of a £50m computerised theft in which the money was sent around the world in electronic parcels .
4 The bulk of the houses were grouped around the Church , along what is now the High St. and extended from the Plough to Hall House ( or Bourne 's ) , then from there in a line down to the river with Halling House or the Old Palace prominent by the Church .
5 But set aside the location and the time , and even the fact that the story is built around a strike by workers on the Dakar-Niger railway line .
6 The budget was based around a forecast of zero growth in gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1992 , after a 5 per cent GDP reduction in the severe recession in 1991 .
7 Well the as you 'll have noticed the course is designed around a series of talks but they are by no means lectures .
8 For ease of presentation the chapter is structured around the following themes :
9 The research is based around the Peterborough Country Music Festival , currently a successful local/national event .
10 The programme is built around a series of day cruises , building up to some long and ambitious trips exploring the islands in Wayfarer dinghies , so every morning starts with a briefing .
11 Major area of the damage to the aircraft was centred around the propellers and undersides of the aircraft .
12 Indeed , it floats about in fluid so its physical position varies , but every location along the chromosome is precisely addressed in terms of linear order along the length of the chromosome , just as every location along a computer tape is precisely addressed , even if the tape is strewn around the floor rather than being neatly rolled up .
13 The circuit is based around the LM3914N dot/bar driver i.c. , with a simple 741 op. amp microphone amplifier .
14 The team is based around the pub of the same name in the area 's Mill Street , which has a collection of trophies behind the bar .
15 The device is based around a humidity sensor .
16 In the interest of low power consumption the device is designed around a CMOS integrated circuit type 4093 which is a versatile package containing four two-input NAND gates with Schmitt triggers on their inputs .
17 The Croydon was bounced around the sky like a pong-pong ball , and Fred Crocombe watched in grim horror as the Kollsman altimeter recorded prodigious amount of ascent and descent .
18 The flats are set around a spacious courtyard with shops at ground level .
19 In this structure the organisation is designed around the different functions required to make and sell its product or service .
20 Yeltsin 's decrees countering the SCSE were relayed around the country by foreign radio stations .
21 The palazzo is built around a courtyard with a truncated tower at its base .
22 The dinghy was wrapped around the front of the wheel strut and would n't leave the aircraft because of Derek 's frozen grip on the life-line .
23 The extension is built around a central courtyard which enables ventilation as an alternative to air conditioning at a much lower cost .
24 The hardened wheel of a pipe cutter will give a much neater cut : the adjusting handle is progressively tightened as the cutter is rotated around the pipe .
25 If the contour is followed around a curve to the north overlooking Crina Bottom , a dozen more holes will be found .
26 The program is based around a very simple menu based script editor .
27 Given Brainerd 's background in the publishing industry , mainly newspapers , and the fact that he had just left Atex it is hardly surprising that the program was designed around the traditional ‘ cut and paste ’ working methods .
28 The shape of the box is determined largely by the shape and size of the printer and the box is placed around the printer so that it can perform its function of reducing the decibel level emanating from the printer .
29 The meal was organised around the char which had been caught that afternoon , and Hope was touched at the extravagant praise lobbed his way for the provision of the excellent fish .
30 The police are scattered around the area with several pairs of squad cars and at least three Black Marias .
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