Example sentences of "embark upon a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Obviously there are limits to what you can achieve , but you will not know what those limits are until you embark upon a programme of good nutritious eating and appropriate exercise .
2 You will be required to embark upon a course of study , in order to obtain the qualification the Diploma in Trading Standards , within a maximum of 5 years , on the successful completion of which you are required to remain with the Lothian Regional Council for a period of not less than 2 years .
3 SCOTVEC have embarked upon a programme of converting advanced courses , such as the Higher National Diploma and Higher National Certificate , into a modular form similar to that used for the National Certificate .
4 These followed two decades of consolidation of the ‘ stable democracies ’ in the Western capitalist world , and of the presumably ‘ stable autocracies ’ in the socialist world of Eastern Europe , as well as the emergence of a ‘ Third World ’ ( including many newly independent states ) which was conceived by most Western political scientists as having embarked upon a process of gradual ‘ modernization ’ and ‘ industrialization ’ .
5 In addition , Parliament embarked upon a series of attempts to eradicate the practice of the monarch having ‘ placemen ’ in Parliament by disqualifying for membership of Parliament all who held an office of profit under the Crown .
6 Michell embarks upon a spot of literary detective work , which brings about a meeting with flaxen-haired Dr Maud Bailey of Lincoln University .
7 Agitated by the fear that the rebellious Irish , with their own parliament , might have allowed Ireland to be used as a back door into Britain by the acquisitive Napoleon , the government in London embarked upon a course of pressure which culminated in the felo de se of Grattan 's Parliament in the union legislation of 1800 .
8 So much was Wordsworth concerned for the apparent breakdown of the family as a unit that he embarked upon a course of action which seems incredibly naive and yet illustrates his downright belief in the social value of poetry .
9 In an attempt to change the balance , Egypt embarked upon a war of attrition , on the assumption that Israel could tolerate casualties less than Egypt .
10 On his return to the United States , Williams embarked upon a series of lectures on Negro issues , and more specifically , issues concerning the Negro in the Caribbean .
11 Before embarking upon a review of some of the findings from my survey , the scene needs to be set with a brief summary of the main arguments and counter-arguments concerning assessment .
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