Example sentences of "kiss [pers pn] on [det] cheeks " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When you meet them they kiss you on both cheeks .
2 He kisses her on both cheeks .
3 Nervously reading from a statement , she said : ‘ He kissed me on both cheeks and placed his hand on my waist .
4 Back at the house , Ilsa kissed me on both cheeks .
5 She said , ‘ Lulu , how lovely to see you ! ’ and kissed me on both cheeks . ’
6 I met this Frenchman at Masstricht who kissed me on both cheeks .
7 The next minute Guido was out of the car and the young woman was in his arms , kissing him on both cheeks , obviously delighted to see him .
8 At the end , the photographer kissed her on both cheeks .
9 ‘ You 're getting my postcards , are n't you ? ’ he asked as he kissed her on both cheeks .
10 Raimondo kissed her on both cheeks , then clapped his hands and began barking out orders .
11 ‘ Vitor 's happy to take you , ’ she declared serenely , and kissed her on both cheeks .
12 After a few words with her husband she shook hands with me , kissed him on both cheeks , and then quickly disappeared down the cellar , leaving the two of us to finish off the champagne and burgundy .
13 The head waiter , enchanted to see Ricky after three years ' absence , kissed him on both cheeks , enquired after his elbow , and found him a quiet corner .
14 The Colonel kissed him on both cheeks .
15 He put his arms on Myeloski 's shoulders , leant forward and kissed him on both cheeks .
16 Sabrina kissed him on both cheeks then ran her hand lightly over his hair .
17 Thérèse sprang at him , kissed him on both cheeks .
18 She reached up now to kiss him on both cheeks .
19 It was an exquisitely warm afternoon in Aswan-just the sort of day for which the swallows fly so far , When the Shah walked slowly down from the plane , looking drawn and exhausted , Sadat stepped forward to kiss him on both cheeks — despite advice from his officials that he should be more circumspect with the fallen King .
20 But how I longed to be gallant , as they say ; to ask her if I might kiss her on both cheeks if I gave her my two violets .
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